Te Kahu Tiu
Te Kahu Tiu - Traditional Organic Gardening and Teaching Facility
The new facility is over 600 square metres over two floors.
The facility was designed to incorporate ECO & sustainable principals throughout.
The large Karaka green barn fits sympathetically in its rural environment while providing high functionality for the school facility in Reikorangi.
The facility is future proofed for PV electric along with solar hot water heating.
The large timber portal frame is used to ensure we have a more sustainable construction method, and allows a more flexible building footprint as there are no load bearing internal walls.
It has capacity for 20 students and teaching staff. It incorporates full commercial kitchen, log burners for heating, highly insulated for comfort and to minimise running costs.
The extensive organic gardens will provide produce to be prepared and eaten by the students and staff.
As a new innovative venture, this facility can expand and change as the teaching program evolves to suit the students needs.
This was six years in the planning, and two years to construct due to Covid. We are prouto see construction completed. The vision of the clients will see a positive and much needed facility for young adults within our community.
Designed & Project Managed by Hunter Architecture Ltd

Project Completed
The project was completed in December 2023.
Progress as at December 2022
Its been a challenging year with Covid causing massive delays in the material, huge increases in costs, supply chain issues, and trades people shortages.
Compliance for fire regulations and onsite services provided some challenges and further increased cost. The client made further commitment to add additional features to the building to further enhance the functionality.
We are now discussing and fine tuning the finer details of the interior now that the building is closed in and locked up. We are looking forward to 2023 completion.
Progress as at May 2022
The timber portals are up. The delays still continue with the floor joists no where in sight..... Reikorangi delivered four seasons in one day at times but our small team of builders progressed at a steady rate.
Progress as at Feb 2022
We began the earthworks late 2021 and the floor was down by November 2021. Due to Covid we experienced lengthy delays in the massive Timber Portals, corrugated coloursteel, and general timber products.